
Take Your Time

welcome to my little selfcare area! right now its pretty small but i'm hoping to make it a big recource page for selfcare/meltdown recovery/burn out recovery in the future!

Cat purr generator: very calming when im away from my baby cat

self care game: ive seen a couple variations of this self care game but this is my favourite to use when i get overwhelmed!

cozy playlist: i made this a while ago so it needs a little update but still very nice

comfort videos!

making an emergency panic bag

What is a panic bag

a panic bag is a collection of items that can give you the tools to distract and calm yourself around panic attacks and meltdowns! a panic bag can be small enough to fit neatly in any bag on the go or big enough to be its own tote bag of supplies! i personally use a 18x12cm clear (it being clear helps me not forget whats inside when i need it the most) toiletry bag from amazon!

Somethings i like to keep in my panic bag are

  • earplugs for blocking extra noise my headphones cant cancel out (i like the loop ones because they have different levels of sound canceling but it doesnt rlly matter)
  • fidget toys like squirkies, this crochet infinity loop, a fidget slug and tangle toys! to help my stim safely
  • small plushies! plushies that remind me of my special interests or have a calming texture are especially good!
  • smelly things like bottles of essential oils or lip balms that smell nice
  • protein bar incase i forget to eat throughout the day
  • sunglasses to block out light
  • a small notebook with a list of coping strategies and comfort media to calm me down
  • PAINKILLERS i get really bad headaches during meltdowns and when im tense so a pack of ibruprofen is great
  • other things ive heard are good! are sour sweets! they can help disturb panic attacks by causing a shock to your senses! i personally dont keep them in my bag because i dont like sweets very much and i don't trust myself to replace them when they go off or run out lol.

    here are some videos about panic bags that helped put mine together!

    nesting for meldown and autistic burnout recovery

    What is nesting and Why is it important?

  • Nesting is a process where neurodivergent people gather and arrange soft items and comfort items to create a safe space. Nesting can provide neurodivergent people with a way to create a safe space catered specifically to their needs to self-regulate, rest and provide a sense of security.
  • How to nest

  • Choose a space!: The ideal place to nest is a soft surface like a bed or couch but you can use any space that works for you and makes you feel safe and comfortable. Some people like to use a small space like a closet or a pillow fort to add an enclosing effect Make sure to clean or just reduce clutter in this area if clutter makes you feel anxious or over stimulated
  • Gather your objects: like a bird has to gather twigs for their nest you should gather your objects! there are never too many blankets or pillows in a nest! Weighted blankets can be especially helpful for self regulation. You should also add anything you might need while in your nest! This could include, safe snacks, water, a laptop, chargers, tv remotes, stim toys, noise protective gear, medication and other comfort items! Having everything near you can reduce having to move and create transitions that make it harder to self-regulate
  • Putting your nest together: putting your nest together is hard for me to instruct you on because it entirely depends on your needs, but here's a quick list of things you could do to build you nest
    1. Place blankets above and below you! In my experience putting a blanket underneath me gives me a nice sensory touch experience while putting a lot of blankets on top of me helps me by putting lots of pressure on my body.
    2. Arrange your pillows! There are so many options on how to use pillows while nesting like you could simply put them under your head, you could put them around yourself to add support or you could surround yourself in a perimeter of pillows to build a nest shape!
    3. Have all of your extra items ready so you don't have to get up mid nesting to get anything! Things like chargers at the ready, water bottles filled and a change of comfy clothes especially fall into this category for me!
  • Other things i find make nesting more enjoyable are comfy clothes that don't over stimulate me, night lights and star projectors that act as visual stimulation and calm me down, a specific box or table i can keep my comfort items safe and organised in or on, essential oil diffusers or candles to help me control of my olfactory sense and engaging with my special interests and hyperfixations by watching youtube videos or drawing things related to my interests!
  • a good way to breakdown your nesting system is to target your five senses! these are some things i use in my system


  • soft warm lighting
  • more complex relaxing lighting like star projectors
  • comfort media like shows and movies that relate to your spintrest or calm you down
  • Sound

  • noise canceling headphones or earplugs
  • calming music (good artists for this are fay webster and lamp!)
  • Touch

  • soft blankets
  • plushies
  • comfortable clothes
  • Taste

  • safe foods!
  • ice water for temperature regulation
  • Smell

  • candles
  • essential oil diffuser
  • Proprioception

  • weighted blanket
  • fidget toys

  • this page is inspired by doqmeats safe spot page check it out!